Church Events and Activities
Sunday Mornings
Morning Worship, 10:45 a.m.-Noon
Sunday School, 9:30-10:30 a.m. for all ages.
Nursery care during church for children five years and younger.
Fellowship time, with snacks, following morning worship.
Communion Sunday and Potluck, first Sunday of each month.
Women's Ministry
Secret Prayer Sisters, all year culminating with a Christmas Party.
Mommy and Me Community Play Date, third Friday of each month 10:00 A.M..
Women's Bible Study, Every Second & Fourth Friday, 10:30 A.M..
Men's Ministry
Men’s Prayer Breakfast, first Saturday of each month.
Men's Bible study, Every other Wednesday
Children's Ministry
Vacation Bible School, June
Camp scholarships awarded in June-July.
Mommy and Me Community Play Date every second Monday of the month at 10:00 A.M. All moms and kids are welcome!
Community Outreach Ministry
Hell’s Canyon Days community breakfast
Annual crab feed
Refreshments for blood drive
Rodeo Parade float
Food Pantry
Funeral dinners
Meals for house bound
High School Ministry
Prayer and Praise at the Pole: Cambridge High School flagpole, the first Monday of each school month, with doughnuts and hot chocolate.
Monday Meal: A free meal provided to high school students, third Monday of each school month.
College scholarships and Bibles presented to graduating seniors, each
Tribes youth group for grades 6-12 monthly.